Download Our Complimentary Ebook Today To Discover The 7 Sins of Hiring A Medical Staffing Agency.

You're About To Make One of The Most Important Decisions For Your Medical Practice – Choosing A Medical Staffing Agency. We've put together this ebook with everything you need to know before making your next hiring decision. Inside, you'll find information on the common pitfalls to avoid, how to choose the right staffing agency for your facility, and more. Imagine a day where your hiring and negotiations are handled, positions are filled quickly, and your staff is qualified and competent. This is the moment you've realized you've made the right choice. 

Your Patients Can't Wait For Quality Staff and Neither Can You!

Most Medical Practices are struggling to fill their positions and spend too much time and money on finding labor and interviewing candidates so they feel frustrated and their patients have bad experiences.


Are You Picking Bad Candidates?

According to the 2022 NSI National Healthcare Retention & RN Staffing Report, the average hospital turnover rate in 2021 was 25.9%, revealing a 6.4% increase over the prior year.


Are You Overworked?

Filling medical roles can take up to 250 days In the United States, the average business with 10 – 49 employees takes about 15 days to complete the interview process.

Are Your Doctors Frustrated?

Doctors need to be able to focus on what they do best, helping their patients to recover and feel better. Staffing issues frustrate your doctors and staff because it takes their attention away from their priorities. 


Are You Are Losing Money?

A clinician, such as a physician's assistant, who earns about $120,000 a year, will cost over a quarter of $1 million to replace. An executive earning $200,000 a year will cost $426,000 to replace, and a nurse earning $85,000 a year will cost over $180,000 to replace. 

Hiring Doesn't Have To Be A Painful Process

Download your complimentary ebook today to avoid the most common pitfalls when hiring a staffing agency.  

At HealthFirst Staffing, we strictly adhere to 
the guidelines of the Joint Commission and 
the regulations of the Department of Health 
regarding accreditation. 

 3200 N Hiawassee Road, #683616 Orlando, Florida 32868
 [email protected]